Serving Orange County
& surrounding areas
Open 7 days a week
9am- 8pm
for in home massage

Certified Canine Massage & Well Being

Massage is good for all types of dogs
Athletic or physically active dogs
Senior dogs
Pups and newly adopted or rescued dogs
Show dogs, Work dogs
Arthritic dogs
Dogs rehabilitating from surgery or emotional injury
Dog massage benefits
Improves overall health and well-being by enhancing and balancing every system of your dog's body
Increases oxygen to the cells
Relieves tired and cramped muscles
Increases range of motion
Eases separation anxiety, shyness, grief, aggression
Calms and reduces stress
Reduces inflammation and swelling of joints
Increases flexibility
Eliminates toxins
Enhances bonding with newly adopted dogs
Relieves pain from arthritis and hip dysplasia
Increases circulation and releases endorphins which help maintain the immune system
Promotes positive human/animal relationship
My personal favorite, pure old fashioned pleasure massage!!!
When to avoid massage
When veterinary care is needed as in case of serious injury or if disease is suspected
Over fresh injury areas such as a break, sprain, cut, wound, etc.
Over sores, rashes, skin infections, tumors and lumps
If the animal says NO
What is massage?
Massage techniques have been in existence for over 5,000 years. Massage is the manipulation, methodical pressure, friction, and kneading of skin, muscle, and other soft tissue, combining various massage strokes with intent to achieve specific therapeutic results such as stimulating circulation, achieving greater flexibility, relieving
pain, tension, etc.