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Bella was a 1 1/2 year old orphan labrador that needed lots of attention when she met Kim. In just a few magical sessions Bella has surrendered completely and I have witnessed a profoundly transformed peaceful and blissful pet. There is something very special that happens that we humans can only hope to achieve through massage. Pets get it! * David R., Laguna Beach, CA



I can't believe the positive changes in Ollie's behavior since you have been working with him.  People stop us on the street to comment on how "well-behaved" he is.  He was a "wild-man" before you started his weekly massage appointments.  He would never sit still.  His personality has mellowed; barking and chewing have decreased; and he loves to sit in my lap when I come home from work.  He's turning into the "good boy" I dreamed about.  *Tom H., Corona del Mar, CA



I can't believe the difference in Spot since you started working with him while you were here for the holidays.   The improvement was immediate and has continued.  No one can get over our 12 year old Boston Terrier's mobility and energy.  It's wonderful.  He's back to jumping up on the sofa (something he hasnt done for at least two years) and he is also more agile and flexible -- running after his ball, wanting to play tug of war, etc.  He's obviously experiencing a lot less discomfort in his hind quarters.  Thank you!!  *Terry C., Oyster Bay NY

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